Howto NetworkManager
NetworkManager commands
show connections using nmcli
nmcli con show
show active connections using nmcli
nmcli con show --active
show more details about connection device
nmcli connection show static
create new dynamic ip address profile using nmcli
connection add con-name "dhcp" type ethernet ifname eth0
create new static ip address profile using nmcli
connection add con-name "static" type ethernet ifname eth0 autoconnect no ip4 gw4
bring up new profile using nmcli
nmcli connection up static
reload configuration using nmcli
nmcli connection reload nmcli connection up static
modify ip address using nmcli
nmcli connection modify "static" ipv4.addresses ""
add another ip address to interface using nmcli
nmcli connection modify "static" +ipv4.addresses ""
modify dns using nmcli
nmcli connection modify "static" ipv4.dns
install NetworkManager
make sure you have network-manager installed:
yum install networkmanager -y
start and enable NetworkManager:
systemctl enable NetworkManager && systemctl start NetworkManager
add address to ethernet
add ip address to your eth0 interface:
nmcli con add con-name eth0 ipv4.method manual type ethernet ifname eth0 ipv4.addresses ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns, autoconnect yes
enable network interface eth0:
nmcli connection up eth0
create bridge interface
create the bridge interface:
nmcli connection add type bridge autoconnect yes con-name br0 ifname br0
add ip address to bridge interface:
nmcli connection modify br0 ipv4.addresses ipv4.method manual ipv4.gateway ipv4.dns,
add device to bridge:
nmcli connection delete eth0 nmcli connection add type bridge-slave autoconnect yes con-name eth0 ifname eth0 master br0
active bridge interface:
nmcli connection up br0