Howto install archlinux
download and create archlinux usb
download latest archlinux iso:
create a live usb of archlinux:
dd if=/home/carlito/Desktop/isos/archlinux-2022.01.01-x86_64.iso of=/dev/sdb bs=4M status=progress
if you're using windows download etcher to create the live usb:
boot the computer with the live usb and select Boot Arch Linux (x86_64):
create partitions
list all the disk and partitions on your system:
fdisk -l
select the disk you are going to format and partition:
parted /dev/vda
inside parted use the following commands:
mklabel gpt mkpart primary 1 1G mkpart primary 1G 100% set 1 boot on set 1 bios_grub on quit
format partitions:
mkfs.fat -F32 /dev/vda1 mkfs.ext4 /dev/vda2