Howto manage user and groups
creating users
UID definitions:
UID 0 is reserve for the root user only UID 1-999 is used for system users UID 1000 and up are normal users
add user and create home folder:
useradd -m student
specify user shell when creating the user:
useradd -m -s /bin/bash student
specify another location for user home folder:
useradd -m -d /opt/student student
specify default group name or group id:
useradd -m -g student
specify userid:
useradd -m -u 1000 student
create user and add this user to different groups:
useradd -m -g student -G video,docker,sound,lp student
assign password to user:
passwd student
manage groups
add group:
groupadd vidalinux
add user to group:
gpasswd -a student vidalinux
add user to more than one group:
usermod -G wheel,video,sound,lp student
to list all groups on our system:
less /etc/group
add a comment for a user:
usermod -c "course student user" student
to change the login shell of a user:
usermod -s /sbin/nologin username
change the home directory of a user:
usermod -d /opt/student student
change user login name:
usermod -l student1 student2
Locking a user account:
usermod -L username
Unlock a user account:
usermod -U username
change the user id of a user
usermod -u 4000 student
Add user to group:
usermod -aG groupname username
Modify username to expire at specific date:
usermod -L -e 2019-10-05 user03