Howto mkosi
install package on archlinux:
pacman -S mkosi mtools systemd-ukify --noconfirm
create temporary directory to store images:
mkdir mkosimages && cd mkosimages
create debian img
install packages:
pacman -S debootstrap debian-archive-keyring apt --noconfirm
create image:
mkosi --distribution debian --release bookworm --format disk --bootable --checksum --root-password password --package linux-image-generic,systemd,systemd-boot,systemd-sysv,udev,dbus --package openssh-client,vim --output debian.img
boot image using systemd:
systemd-nspawn --boot --image debian.img
boot image using qemu/kvm:
mkosi --output debian.img --qemu-smp 2 qemu
create arch img
install packages:
pacman -S arch-install-scripts --noconfirm
create image:
mkosi --distribution arch --format disk --bootable --checksum --root-password password --package linux,systemd,udev,dbus --package openssh-client,vim --output arch.img
boot image using systemd:
systemd-nspawn --boot --image arch.img
boot image using qemu/kvm:
mkosi --output arch.img --qemu-smp 2 qemu
create ubuntu img
install packages:
pacman -S debootstrap ubuntu-keyring apt --noconfirm
create image:
mkosi --distribution ubuntu --release noble --format disk --bootable --checksum --root-password password --package linux-image-generic,systemd,systemd-boot,systemd-sysv,udev,dbus --package openssh-client,vim --output ubuntu.img
boot image using systemd:
systemd-nspawn --boot --image ubuntu.img
boot image using qemu/kvm:
mkosi --output ubuntu.img --qemu-smp 2 qemu
create almalinux img
install the following package using yay:
yay -S dnf-legacy-utils
create image:
mkosi --distribution alma --release 9 --format disk --bootable --checksum --root-password password --package bash,coreutils,util-linux,systemd,rpm --output almalinux.img
boot image using systemd:
systemd-nspawn --boot --image almalinux.img
boot image using qemu/kvm:
mkosi --output almalinux.img --qemu-smp 2 qemu
create opensuse img
install the following package using yay:
yay -S zypper-git
create image:
mkosi --distribution opensuse --release tumbleweed --format disk --bootable --checksum --root-password password --package bash,coreutils,util-linux,systemd --output opensuse.img