Howto game on linux
cpu and motherboard info
install cpu-x:
sudo pacman -S cpu-x --noconfirm
for gpu information install gpu-viewer:
yay -S gpu-viewer
gaming platforms
install steam:
pacman -S steam --noconfirm
install lutris:
pacman -S lutris --noconfirm
install heroic-games:
yay -G heroic-games-launcher && cd heroic-games-launcher makepkg -si
install legendary gui rare:
pacman -S python-qtawesome --noconfirm yay -G legendary && legendary makepkg -si yay -G rare && rare makepkg -si
display games fps
install mangohud on archlinux:
pacman -S mangohud lib32-mangohud --noconfirm
install mangohud gui goverlay:
yay -S goverlay-bin
get fps on opengl games using mangohud:
mangohud --dlsym quake3
amd gpu fan control
install corectl on archlinux:
pacman -S corectrl
install corectl debian/ubuntu
sudo apt install corectrl
install unigine benchmarks:
yay -S unigine-benchmarks-meta
run unigine-sanctuary:
mangohud --dlsym unigine-sanctuary
run unigine-heaven:
mangohud --dlsym unigine-heaven
run unigine-valley:
mangohud --dlsym unigine-valley
run unigine-superposition:
mangohud --dlsym unigine-superposition
record games with obs
install obs vulkan plugin:
yay -S obs-vkcapture-git
if you use nvidia drivers add the following to /etc/default/grub:
GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX=".... nvidia-drm.modeset=1 ...."
update grub config:
grub-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg
reboot system:
launch obs from shell and make sure you add game capture to your obs scene:
to record steam game add the following to game launch option:
obs-gamecapture %command%.