Howto stratis storage
install packages:
pacman -S stratis-cli stratisd
first we identify the disk:
next we clean any partition on this disk:
wipefs -a /dev/nvme0n1
create the stratis pool:
stratis pool create workstation /dev/nvme0n1
to check the list of block devices part of stratis on your system:
stratis blockdev list
to list all pools on your system:
stratis pool list
to add a new disk or block device to the existing pool:
stratis pool add-data workstation /dev/sdd
to create a stratis file system on an existing pool:
stratis filesystem create workstation boot stratis filesystem create workstation root
to list file systems within the pool:
stratis filesystem list
to remove a filesystem on pool:
stratis filesystem destroy workstation boot
to create snapshot of filesystem use:
stratis filesystem snapshot workstation root root-snapshot